About Arti

Learn Chinese, French or Spanish with exciting new cognitive technology that trains you to think like a native speaker, find out more below.

Our Aims

▶ We want to build the Language Learning App for beginners that is truly fun and absorbing.

▶ We want to solve the major cognitive challenge of enhancing Language Acquisition through “Artificial Immersion”.

Arti  has discovered a technical solution to how to train the key area of the brain required for effective language learning. The founders, Duncan and Will, are both developers who met while running a previous software startup 8 years ago.


Duncan Parrish

Duncan is a software architect, entrepreneur and educationalist. He studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge and was briefly a journalist before co-founding the FinTech firm Parrish Blake (PB). He was the software architect of PB’ssuite of Investment Management systems before it was acquired by Waverton IM in 2018 (helping drive WIM’s subsequent growth). Duncan’s interest in linguistics, sparked by his time in Russia and the Middle East, grew with the rise of “language-hacking” over the2010s – but he always felt the core process of “Immersion” could be made more accessible.

Will Bourchier

Will studied Physics at Bath before joining Duncan’s team at Waverton as a software developer, UX designer and project manager. Will co-founded Dream Languages with Duncan in 2019 to develop vocabulary building tools using Memory Palaces in VR. Will’s long fascination with games led to our use of Unity3D as he grew interested in how fusing good game design and effective pedagogy could lead to “Meaningful Games”.

Beautiful Games
Cognitive Tech

We're working on new linguistic tech

Arti Languages Limited is an App-based language learning company, building products in the Unity Games Engine. Arti has independently researched and developed a new 'cognitive technology' that shows promise to radically improve on learning outcomes and user experience.

The Missing Ingredient

To learn a language, you need to learn Vocab and Grammar of course, but then you need a third ingredient: the "magic" that lets your brain process what you've learned fast enough to understand normal-speed speech. Until now, no one has been able to bottle this "magic" in an App, allowing beginners to learn to listen like a native speaker from Day One. But our research has uncovered a unique way to train the brain's "Language Centre".

The Experience

Launchpad: Join Lola as she moves to a new city, and quickly picks up the first 200 words of her new language. These come in useful as she meets mysterious new friends in a parallel world who hold the key to centuries of literature and culture...

Foundation: Lola's adventures continue as she grows used to hearing hundreds more words of the language. Encounter conversations in the real world, solve puzzles in the shadow world, and listen to and understand the many stories told her by her new friends.

The Ladder: The stories and conversations grow increasingly complex as we gain the thousands of words needed to understand real-life French, Spanish or Chinese. Fortunately, the challenges grow ever more interesting, and Lola has been learning the right way all along...

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Who, What, Where, When, Why of Arti
Has Arti Launched Yet?

No, Arti is currently in alpha for Mandarin. Arti will launch to the public in 2024, to stay in the loop, click the 'Get Updates' button.

How can I try Arti and Artificial Immersion?

If you are Mandarin Learner, Go the 'Experiment' Page (see top menu) and download the app from there.

What languages will Arti's app cover?

Arti's first release will be for Mandarin, with French, Spanish and English following close behind.

What proficiency level can I reach with Arti?

Unlike other language learning apps, our product is not based around rigid curriculums, instead you follow your curiosity, experiencing centuries of literature and culture, through stories, games and brand new techniques. So you can go from beginner all the way to understanding TV in your target language.

Where is Arti based?

Arti started in London, but we are a fully distributed team.